New Organic Compost
with Cow Manure
25 lb. bag
All Organic, 100% Natural
Product Information
Moo-Nure® is an excellent rich soil amendment that improves soil and retains moisture. Moo-Nure® is the mildest of manures and is suitable for all flowers, vegetables, rose gardens and trees.
Moo-Nure® can be used around plants, in the planting beds and as a soil conditioner or clay breaker.
* Flower Bed Preparation
Apply at a rate of 1-2 inches deep. Incorporate the compost
evenly 6-8 inches into the soil.
* Trees and Shrub Bed Preparation
Apply at a rate of 4 inches deep. Incorporate the compost
into the top 12 inches of the bed.
* New Lawns
Apply 1-2 inches of Moo-Nure® evenly and incorporate 5-7
inches into the soil.
* Established Lawns
Apply .5 inch of finely screened compost onto the surface.
* Potting Soil
Mix with topsoil, sand, Hydrocks® or perlite.
* Seed Flats, Hot Beds, Greenhouses
Mix 1 part compost, 4 parts soil, and 1 part sand.
* Field Application
Restores fertility.
Irrigation water requirements reduced up to 40 percent.
Possible faster growth. Diseasse suppression.
* Compost Berms
For erosion control and filtering systems.