How to Use
Why Do I Need a Soil Enhancer?
Soil is a fragile growing medium consisting of three components: solid particles, water, and air. It is necessary to maintain a careful balance of these elements to establish a good soil profile. Using a good soil amendment, you can:
Reduce Nutrient Loss
Improve Moisture Retention
Provide Adequate Drainage
Enhance Soil Resiliency
Increase Resistance to Compaction
Baseball Fields
Rates and Techniques:
Designated Dryer® can be used prior to your season as well as through out the year.
Reconditioning Program: For all skinned infields.
Prepare your infield by lightly watering.
Evenly spread ½” to 1 ½” of Designated Dryer® on the skinned portion of your infield.
Till into the surface at a depth of 2-4 inches.
Level the new surface. Drag and roll the infield.
An additional ½’ of Designated Dryer® can be applied and screen dragged for additional playability.
Follow this program at the beginning of every season to ensure a safe and playable field.
Field Maintenance Program:
This program can be used throughout the year and during the season as needed to insure a safe and playable field.
Dampen the skinned portion of the infield.
Uniformly apply ½” to 1 ½” of Designated Dryer® on the infield.
Nail drag the surface to a uniform depth of 1”.
Level the infield. Roll and screen drag.
Dryer Agent:
Designated Dryer® can also be used as a spot drying agent after rain.
Apply as much Designated Dryer® as needed to absorb water.
Spread evenly and rake.
Play Ball!!!
Golf Courses
Use Designated Dryer on New courses
Fighting heavy clay soils is a real challenge, and one HydRocks is well suited to overcome. Follow these simple steps:
Break up clay soil to depths of 8” to 12” (this is the most physically demanding step).
Apply the recommended rate of fertilizer and any required soil amendments like lime or gypsum to the surface of the soil.
Till or disk the soil as deep as possible.
Spread Designated Dryer® evenly on the surface to a depth of 1” to 2”.
Add a 1/2” to 1” layer of organic matter, preferably a good compost (recommended but optional).
Till or work Designated Dryer® and compost into the soil to a depth of 6” to 8”.
Rake the soil smooth.
Seed or lay sod just before the next rain or watering cycle
Use Designated Dryer® in topdressing existing turf
Topdressing with Designated Dryer® on existing turf creates a permanent addition to the soil, improves drainage, fills low spots, and helps provide a more level surface. Additionally, it helps promote the microbial action, which breaks down thatch and organic matter to improve nutrient availability to the grass and plants. Designated Dryer® can be applied as topdressing under two conditions:
First, and best, is following mechanical aeration.
Apply Designated Dryer® to closely cropped and aerated turf surface to form a 3/8” to 1/2” uniform layer.
Rake into the 2” to 4” deep core holes, or simply allow it to drop into the holes without raking.
Secondly, simply apply Designated Dryer® on closely cropped, non-aerated turf.
Spread Designated Dryer® evenly to a 3/8” to 1/2” layer.
Designated Dryer® will eventually work its way into the thatch layer.
Sports Turf
Use Designated Dryer® in New turf
Fighting heavy clay soils is a real challenge, and one Designated Dryer® is well suited to overcome. Follow these simple steps:
Break up clay soil to depths of 8” to 12” (this is the most physically demanding step).
Apply the recommended rate of fertilizer and any required soil amendments like lime or gypsum to the surface of the soil.
Till or disk the soil as deep as possible.
Spread Designated Dryer® evenly on the surface to a depth of 1” to 2”.
Add a 1/2” to 1” layer of organic matter, preferably a good compost (recommended but optional).
Till or work Designated Dryer® and compost into the soil to a depth of 6” to 8”.
Rake the soil smooth.
Seed or lay sod just before the next rain or watering cycle.
Topdressing with Designated Dryer® on existing turf creates a permanent addition to the soil, improves drainage, fills low spots, and helps provide a more level surface. Additionally, it helps promote the microbial action, which breaks down thatch and organic matter to improve nutrient availability to the grass and plants. Designated Dryer® can be applied as topdressing under two conditions:
First, and best, is following mechanical aeration.
Apply Designated Dryer®to closely cropped and aerated turf surface to form a 3/8” to 1/2” uniform layer.
Rake into the 2” to 4” deep core holes, or simply allow it to drop into the holes without raking.
Secondly, simply apply Designated Dryer® on closely cropped, non-aerated turf.
Spread evenly to a 3/8” to 1/2” layer.
Designated Dryer® will eventually work its way into the thatch layer.

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